Environmental & Quality Policy

Ceaseless Quality Imporvment
TQM as the highest guiding principle
Fearless in Confronting Challenge
Active attitude pushes limitations
Innovative Thinking
Providing high performance and reliable solutions
Sticking to Commitment
Customer-oriented, supporting prof. & diverse help

In order to maintain the natural and living environment and to reduce the influence caused by business activities, HYCON Technology Corporation is committed to meet international environmental standards, and deeply recognize the global environmental protection and cherishing valuable resources on the Earth are our commission and responsibility of enterprises. For environment protection and sustainable development, we promise to follow the following guidelines:
- Abiding by the environmental regulations and other requirements, and building up environmental enterprise.
- Implementing management of forbidden hazardous materials to maintain human health.
- Implementing the classified disposal of waste and reducing environmental pollution
- Dedicating to saving energy resources and protecting the green Earth.
- Enhancing education for employees to elevate ecological awareness.
HYCON Technology Corporation firmly commits to provide and maintain a safe and healthful work environments adhering to policies of health and safety, to curb dangers to employees’ safety and health and to prevent occupational accidents. As ceaseless improvement policy, we will comply with applicable regulatory requirements, and implement best practices to prevent occupational injury, illness, environmental pollution and property damage.
- Full respect for International Basic Labor Principles and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees.
- Compliance with relevant safety and health laws and regulations and promote low risk – zero Occupational Accidents.
- Conduct health and safety training and guidance and provide the facilities for a safe and healthy working environment.
- Establish good environment for staff career development and ensure that activities for continuous improvement are conducted.
Over the past few years, provoking society and environmental problems generated from manufacturing product raw materials and processes has grabbed the public’s attention. Minerals from Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) even raised serious armed conflicts. HYCON Technology Corporation asserts the concept of sustainable corporate development and social responsibility and respects international human rights. We are in support of not using conflict minerals and are committed to fully survey supply chain by CMRT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template) from CFSI (Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative), taking social and environmental responsibilities together with joint vendors, thus hereby declares:
- Not to purchase conflict minerals from mines in the conflict regions.
- Demand joint vendors not to use conflict minerals and to disclose the origin of Tantalum (Ta), Tin (Sn), Gold (Au), Tungsten (W), Cobalt (Co), Palladium (Pd) used in products and to provide restricted use of conflict minerals letter of commitment.
- Demand joint vendors to formally convey the request of Restricted Use of Conflict Minerals to their upstream suppliers.